Hi! I'm Justin.
I'm a creative developer who likes making whimsical things on the Internet. Call them proofs of concepts.
Push Off
A mobile game where you duel opponents by hitting push notifications first.
Anti-Theft Screaming Backpack
An armable contraption that SCREAMS if someone picks it up.
"End Meeting" Buttons
Everyone gets a button. If enough people press theirs, the meeting ends via a very loud siren.
The Sisyph-inbox
Every time you delete an email, this Chrome extension sends you one back.
Touching Grass
Instead of going outside, turn your laptop off by touching this houseplant.
I tracked every running gag in Bojack Horseman
...and mapped them onto an interactive timeline. And also a video.
Automated Ragequitting
A custom mechanism that closes the active tab if my BPM gets too high.
Wider Pringles Cans
Never get your hand stuck inside a Pringles Can again.
The Onion Test
A game that asks two questions: 'Was this headline written by the Onion?' and 'How sure are you?'