Hi! I'm Justin.
I'm a creative developer who likes making whimsical things on the Internet. Call them proofs of concepts.
Enemies Are Missing
Use League of Legends' most infamous ping on your desktop.

Add random jumpscares to sites you're trying to avoid.
Push Off
A mobile game where you duel opponents by hitting push notifications first.
Anti-Theft Screaming Backpack
An armable contraption that SCREAMS if someone picks it up.
End Meeting Buttons
Everyone gets a button. If enough people press theirs, the meeting ends via a very loud siren.
The Sisyph-inbox
Every time you delete an email, this Chrome extension sends you one back.
Touching Grass
Instead of going outside, turn your laptop off by touching this houseplant.

Every running gag in Bojack Horseman
...mapped onto an interactive timeline. And put in a video.
Automated Ragequit
A custom mechanism that closes the active tab if my BPM gets too high.
Wider Pringles Cans
Never get your hand stuck inside a Pringles Can again.
The Onion Test
A game that asks two questions: 'Was this headline written by the Onion?' and 'How sure are you?'